Hours of Admission

Monday - Sunday: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

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A fun way to reach scouting goals

From outdoor wildlife to environmental conservation education, our workshops align with the Girl Scouts and Scouts BSA programs. Our in-depth workshops help your Scouts fulfill badge requirements.

Program Information

  • Our instructors are youth-protection trained.
  • Workshops must be booked two weeks in advance. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required within a week of booking an in-person workshop. Virtual workshops must be paid in full a week after the workshop is booked.
  • In-person workshops have a maximum of 30 scouts (1 adult required per 10 Scouts).
  • Virtual workshops have a maximum of 35 people.
  • Admission is not included in price of the workshop. A discounted admission can be added for  $14 per person.

Cub Scouts

Exciting, hands-on workshops for everyone from Lion to Arrow of Light. View the requirements for our Cub Scouts workshops by clicking the link below.

Workshop Details

In Person WorkshopVirtual Workshop
Availability: Saturday or Sunday;
10AM – 12 PM; 1 – 3 PM

Duration: 2 hours

Price: $150 per workshop
Availability: 7 days a week;
8 AM - 6 PM

Duration: 75 minutes

Price: $75 per workshop

Workshop Topics

black and yellow poison dart frog on a leaf

Acting Like an Animal*

Can you jump farther than a frog? Can you balance better than a flamingo? Scouts will see how they measure up against the adaptations of animals in this wild workshop.

*In-Person workshop only


An In‘FISH’tigation*

There are many fish in the sea. Join The Florida Aquarium in learning about some of our fin-tastic friends. Scouts will be able to experience this workshop through interactive activities and up-close discovery.

*In-Person workshop only

northern orioles in the trees

Look Up!

What has wings, a beak and hollow bones? Birds, of course. Come learn about our feathered friends that call Florida home. Scouts will practice their birding skills through games and exploration.

boy on boat looking at the water

Ocean Investigation

Our oceans are in trouble and need your help. From the sunny surface to the dark abyss, scouts will investigate each ocean zone through experimentation and hands-on activities. Find out what you can do to answer the call.

Girl Scouts

Exciting, hands-on workshops for everyone from Daisies to Cadettes! Review requirements for our Girl Scouts workshops by clicking the link below.

Workshop Details

In-Person WorkshopVirtual Workshop
Availability: Saturday or Sunday;
10AM – 12 PM; 1 – 3 PM

Duration: 2 hours

Price: $150 per workshop
Availability: 7 days a week;
8 AM - 6 PM

Duration: 75 minutes

Price: $75 per workshop

Workshop Topics

gopher tortoise coming out of a burrow

Habitat Heroes*


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it is a Daisy Girl Scout! Learn how you can protect our habitats here in Tampa Bay. Put that knowledge into action by helping some of our local wildlife.

*In-Person workshop only

three girls looking at trees


Wild Wetlands

Cypress swamps to coastal marshlands, Florida is full of wetland habitats. Through exploration and inquiry based activities, scouts will learn more about the natural environment.

ladybugs on a plant


Junior Explorers

Using inspiration from famous explorers, scouts will examine nature from every angle. They may even discover something new!

chameleon standing on a branch


A Little Help from my Animal Friends*

Sometimes the best person for the job is an animal. Discover how humans are learning from animal adaptations. Test out how you compare to animals when completing a job.

*In-Person workshop only

female biologist prepping food for animals


Fishy Business

Go behind the scenes and learn what it takes to care for thousands of fish. Discover and practice the skills you need to be an Aquarium biologist.

Scouts BSA

Exciting, hands-on workshops for Scouts to Eagles! Review requirements for our Scouts BSA workshops by clicking the links below.

View In-Person Requirements            View Virtual Requirements

Workshop Details

In-Person WorkshopVirtual Workshop
Availability: Saturday or Sunday;
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM; 1 – 4 PM

Duration: 3 hours

Price: $215 per workshop
Availability: 7 days a week;
8 AM - 6PM

Duration: 2 hours

Price: $100 per workshop

Merit Badge Workshops

Bird Study  •  Environmental Science  •  Fish & Wildlife Management*  •  Oceanography*  •  Reptile and Amphibian Study*  •  Soil & Water Conservation*


*In-person workshop only

boy looking at water through tower binoculars

Bring Your Scouts to the Aquarium!

Request Your Program