Our Blue Planet
The United Nations calls it ‘’a race we can win.’’ With our conservation programs and priorities, The Florida Aquarium is fully engaged in the race to find the scalable solutions the UN stresses are available to address climate change in the protection of our blue planet.
There are countless headlines about the devastating consequences of human impacts and climate change: “By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans.” “On the brink of a sixth mass extinction.” There also is scientific data to prove that the past decade was the hottest on record. The world continues to see rising sea levels and experience dramatic swings in the weather.
But there is hope. A strong group of conservation researchers, biologists and educators around the globe, including right here at The Florida Aquarium, are committed to positive, sustainable change.
Our team is dedicated to inspiring, facilitating and creating change.
Big solutions require partnerships between scientists, topical specialists, technology experts, government agencies, business and industry, and the community. Everyone plays a critical role in conservation! The Florida Aquarium is working to protect and restore our blue planet on many conservation fronts using this philosophy.
Through outreach, education, conservation efforts and critical research, The Florida Aquarium is fulfilling our mission to entertain, educate and inspire stewardship of the natural Our environment — and making a tangible impact.
In the face of today’s environmental challenges, we often feel the situation is hopeless and there is little we can do personally. This belief is simply incorrect – there’s always a solution! We can and will WIN this race!
Our Commitment
The Florida Aquarium is committed to using a science-based, impact-driven approach to address key conservation issues. We strategically focus on conservation initiatives that amplify our expertise, leverage and promote our partnerships, and maximize our ability to successfully protect and restore our blue planet.

Our Conservation Programs
The Florida Aquarium leads two comprehensive conservation programs. Each program is focused on a specific taxon and aligned with The Aquarium’s expertise.

Coral Conservation Program
Coral reefs play a critically important role in the health of our planet’s marine ecosystems. The Florida Aquarium is dedicated to caring for threatened species of coral and leading initiatives that will help restore the Florida Reef Tract. Our team of coral experts has made several ground-breaking, globally recognized advancements to sexually reproduce corals in a laboratory setting and increase the genetic diversity of their offspring, improve coral care and husbandry techniques, and scale up coral propagation rates to advance partnerships and coral resiliency research.
Coral Conservation Program
Sea Turtle Conservation Program
Sea turtles are important keystone species that help maintain healthy seagrass and coral reef ecosystems. The Florida Aquarium is dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing sick or injured sea turtles, conducting satellite tracking research, and reducing fishing line environmental impacts. In 2019, we opened our state-of-the-art Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center, located at our conservation campus in Apollo Beach, Fl. Each year, this center cares for turtles affected by cold-stunning, illness and injury. During the winter of 2020/2021, we received 30 cold-stunned sea turtles, and we stand ready to assist with future needs.
Sea Turtle Conservation ProgramOur Conservation Priorities
The Florida Aquarium has also prioritized several critical conservation areas of focus that align with our expertise and advance our mission. Each priority is aligned across different departments and activities. They often include public engagement, community service and environmental stewardship. Aquarium staff believe in “living” our mission and commit to participating in multiple priority-based activities annually.
Learn MoreCollaborative Conservation
Direct donations received through the generosity of individual and corporate donors has a direct and significant impact on the success of our conservation programs.
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